Q: How will the t4g.small free trial be reflected on my AWS bill? The T4g free trial has a monthly billing cycle that starts on the first of every month and ends on the last day of that month. Under the T4g free-trial billing plan, customers using t4g.small will see a $0 line item on their bill under the On-Demand pricing plan for the first 750 aggregate hours of usage for every month during the free-trial period. Customers can start any time during the free-trial period and get 750 free hours for the remainder of that month. Any unused hours from the previous month will not be carried over. Customers can launch multiple t4g.small instances under the free trial. Customers will be notified automatically through email using AWS Budgets when their aggregate monthly usage reaches 85% of 750 free hours. When the aggregate instance usage exceeds 750 hours for the monthly billing cycle, customers will be charged based on regular On-Demand pricing for the exceeded hours for that month. For customers with a Compute Savings Plan or T4g Instance Savings Plan, Savings Plan (SV) discount will be applied to On-Demand pricing for hours exceeding the 750 free trial hours. If customers have purchased the T4g Reserved Instance (RI) plan, the RI plan applies first to any usage on an hourly basis. For any remaining usage after the RI plan has been applied, the free trial billing plan is in effect.
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